Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Breath of Snow and Ashes

A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon

Description: (From Back of Book) It is 1772, the eve of the American Revolution, and the long fuse of rebellion has already been lit. Governor Josiah Martin calls upon Jamie Fraser to unite the backcountry and safeguard the colony for King and Crown. But there is one problem: Jamie Fraser's wife, Claire, is a time-traveler, as are his daughter and son-in-law. And Jamie knows that three years hence, the shot heard round the world will be fired, and the end of it all will be independence--with those loyal to the King either dead or in exile. Beyond everything else, though, looms the threat of a tiny clipping from the Wilmington Gazette dated 1776, which reports the destruction of th house on Fraser's Ridge and the death by fire of James Fraser and all his family.

For once, Jamie Fraser hopes the time-travelers in his family are wrong about the future-- but only time will tell.

Review: Wow, what a roller coaster ride! This book was great and I couldn't put it down. There were so many parts that I just got so excited that I had to keep reading. Many things were tied up with this book, which was nice. The end, however, left me feeling slightly melancholy. The next book should be interesting, to say the least. The characters were formed so well in this book that I really got into them. I'm glad to see that Gabaldon was back on her game for this one.

Score: 5 out of 5

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